Burgers were on my mind last weekend as the spring-like weather made a sudden appearance on the east coast. There are lots of choices when it comes to making vegan burgers so I decided to experiment with a couple--one made with beans and the other made with grains. My bean of choice was the soft, creamy black eyed pea. Black-eyed peas, also known as crowder peas or cowpeas,are low in fat and high in protein. One cup of these cooked peas contains 11 grams of fiber and 13 grams of protein,less than one gram of fat and a measly 160 calories. They contain phytochemicals such as lignans which have been said to help in the prevention of osteoporosis and heart disease. They also have the added benefit of having soluble fiber which lowers the bad cholesterol in our blood levels. This bean is also blessed with substantial insoluble fiber which helps the digestive tract and aids to fight constipation--a double whammy! They are a good source of iron,calcium, folate,and vitamin A.
I used to complain about the gaseous effects of eating beans. But I learned from my macrobiotic practice that adding a postage size piece of kombu into the cooking liquid helps to deal with that problem. Before cooking the dried peas, soak them for at least four hours, and then simmer them on the stove until tender. It usually takes about an hour. 1 cup of dried peas will yield 21/2 cups of cooked peas. Of course, you can always use canned peas.
Black eyed peas were originally from West Africa and part of Asia. They were brought to the Southern part of the United States during the slave trade and as a result are popular in southern recipes.
Black Eyed Pea Burger
2 cans organic black eyed peas
1 large shallot,chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
3-5 TBS fresh cilantro, chopped
2 TBS olive oil
1 cup toasted walnuts
1 pepper in adobe sauce
1 TBS adobe sauce
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup flour
whole grain buns
Additional oil for frying the burger
In a food processor mix the black eyed peas, shallot, garlic, cilantro and pepper in adobe sauce until smooth. Add the toasted walnuts, salt, pepper, and oil. Process until everything is mixed together.
Form this mixture into patties. Dust lightly with flour and fry over medium heat in oil. The patties will form a crispy, yummy, coating. They tend to fall apart so turn them over gently. Expect a spicy bite from these burgers.
Happy healthy eating.
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